European Register - EQAR
The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was founded in 2008 by the European associations bringing together universities and institutions of higher education, students and quality assurance agencies - EUA(European University Association), EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education), ESU (European Students Union) and ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) - to reinforce the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) through transparency in the quality assurance procedures.
EQAR lists those quality agencies operating in the EHEA considered solvent and trustworthy. To join the Register, agencies have to successfully pass an international external assessment which verifies their compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG2015).
All the information about AAC-DEVA registration in EQAR can be found here
AAC-DEVA renews its registration in EQAR. 2020
On June 24, 2020 AAC-DEVA receives the formal communication of the renewal of its registration in EQAR.
The EQAR Registration Committee, in a meeting held on June 22, resolves that AAC-DEVA remains substantially compliant with ESG2015 after analysing all the information generated during the external evaluation process managed by ENQA and the additional information provided by AAC-DEVA.
It is the second time that AAC-DEVA has renewed its registration in EQAR since its initial registration in 2009.
AAC-DEVA renews its registration in EQAR. 2014
On December 3, 2014 AAC-DEVA receives the formal communication of the renewal of its registration in EQAR.
The EQAR Registration Committee, in a meeting held on November 29, resolves that AAC-DEVA remains substantially compliant with ESG2005 after analysing all the information generated during the external evaluation process managed by ENQA and the additional information provided by AAC-DEVA.
It is the first renewal of AAC-DEVA registration in EQAR.
AGAE (now AAC-DEVA) is admitted to the EQAR registry. 2009
On October 6 2009, AGAE (AAC-DEVA) was included in the EQAR Register taking into account the report of the international expert panel that performed the external assessment and the substantial compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG2005).