Royal Decree 822/2021, 28 September, on organisation of university education and the procedure for its quality assurance, regulates the process of modification of an implemented degree. It makes a distinction between substantial and non-substantial modifications of studies plans.
The procedure that a degree must undergo to conduct these modifications will be different if the degree is provided by a centre that is either Institutionally accredited or not.
The modifications of a study plan must be produced as a result of the university analysis on its implementation and follow-up. These proposals must be approved by the univerisity governing bodies, with a previous favourable report of the internal quality assurance systems.
The non-substantial modification of the studies plans taught at university centres which are not institutionally accredited, will be remitted to the corresponding Quality Assurance Agency, in this case to the AAC, that will conduct the review through the Directorate of Evaluation and Accreditation. The procedure will be carried out on the Evaluation platform of implanted titles.
The non-substantial modifications of the study plans provided at institutionally accredited centers, will be approved by the university governing bodies, with a previous favourable report, binding and preceptive, of the internal quality assurance systems.
The substantial modifications of the study plans taught at univerity centres, both institutionally accredited and non-accredited ones, will be applied for to the Council of Universities and they will undergo the same process as the verification procedure.
- pdfDecreto 154/2023, de 27 de junio, de ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía.
- pdfRoyal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, establishing the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure
- pdfRoyal Decree 99/2011, january 28th, regulating official doctoral training (Consolidated text of July 18, 2023) (Spanish)
- pdfResolution of April 6, 2021, of the General Secretariat of Universities, approving recommendations in relation to the evaluation criteria and standards for the verification, modification, follow-up and renewal of the accreditation of official university Bachelor’s and Master's degrees offered in virtual and hybrid teaching modalities. (Spanish)
- pdfGuidelines for the preparation and evaluation of bachelor's and master's degree curricula in different teaching modalities (REACU, 11/29/2021) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation Protocol for Modification of Higher Education study plans leading to the achievement of University official Bachelor and Master degrees (REACU, 17/01/2022)
- pdfEvaluation Protocol for the verification of official doctoral degrees (REACU, 03/02/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfImplementation of REACU document "Guidelines for the preparation and evaluation of Bachelor and Master degrees in distance or blended education formats" (REACU agreement, 15 January 2020) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation protocol for the inclusion of the Dual Mention (Spanish)
- pdfRequirements to access the Master in Health General Psychology after the incorporation of the mention in Health Psychology detailed in the order CNU/1309/2018 (REACU agreement, 15 January 2020) (Spanish)
- pdfAdaptation of Psychology degree curriculum to introduce the mention in Health Psychology detailed in the order CNU/1309/2018 (REACU agreement, 11 September 2019) (Spanish)
- pdfStandards and guidelines on the development and evaluation of study plans modifications for the assignment adaptation of knowledge fields (REACU, 27/05/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation protocol for the adaptation of the duration of Bachelor's and Master's studies (REACU, 07/19/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfResolution of the Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia, which agrees on the deadlines and place for submitting the application for the non-substantial modification of official university degrees taught in university centers not institutionally accredited (Spanish) new
- pdfEvaluation protocol for NON-SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATIONS of official university degrees taught in university centers not institutionally accredited (CT, 22/04/2024) (Spanish) new
- docAnnex I. Bachelor-Master application form_ Non-substantial modification (Spanish)
- docAnnex II. Doctoral program application form_Non-substantial modification (Spanish)
- pdfAnnex III. Indicative list Non-substantial modifications (Spanish)
- pdfNon-Substantial Modification committee