Announcement of the call for the regional salary complements for teaching and research staff of the public universities of the Andalusian university system
ACCUA receives the visit of ENQA review panel for the renewal of its registration in EQAR and its membership in the European association
ACCUA has participated in the ENQA Forum held on April 17, 18 and 19 in Hannover, Germany
I Jornada de Calidad en Centros Académicos de la Universidad de Granada.
Sesión Informativa Programa IMPLANTA
III Crue-Teaching Conference
Launch event of the National Chapter Spain of CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment)
EQAR members' dialogue 2023: EQAR, quo vadis?
Evaluation of the International Joint Program within the Framework of the European Approach to Quality Assurance “Joint European Master Degree in Efficient and Sustainable Energy, Transport and Mobility to Build the Smart Cities of the Future (UlysseusCitiesMD)”.
Training session for AAC-DEVA staff on the evaluation of joint international programs by the European Approach
AAC-DEVA joins the Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN)
AAC-DEVA joins the EDLab consortium coordinated by the UGR to advance the implementation of joint international programs and the European Degree Label
AAC DEVA participates in the European Approach training course organised by the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA)
DEVA participates in the International Conference 'Advances in building the Ibero-American Knowledge Area: a look into the future', held in Barranquilla (Colombia)
ENQA progress visit
ENQA General Assembly
DEVA participates in STUPS project activities in Austria: soft skills enhancement for Student participation
Registration open for the 2021 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF)
The European Student Union (ESU) opens a call to recruit students for its Pool of Experts in quality assurance
INQAAHE General Assembly
ENQA organizes the webinar "Outcomes of the EUniQ Pilots and Implications for the Framework for QA of European Universities", will take place on Tuesday, 9 March 2021
DEVA-AAC collaborates with Andalusian universities coordinating initiatives of European Universities
DEVA participates in DEQAR, the Database of External Quality Assurance Reports in the EEES
AAC-DEVA renews the inclusion on the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
The Director and the Coordinator of the International Relations Area have attended the ENQA General Assembly held online on April 29, 2020
The Regional Minister of Economy visits the facilities of the Directorate of Evaluation and Accreditation (DEVA) of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge
Participation of AAC-DEVA in an ERSMUS+ project
10th ENQA 2019 General Assembly
DEVA-AAC participates in the second ENQA Seminar for Recently Reviewed Agencies
Third reconfirmation of AAC-DEVA's full-membership in ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education)
AAC-DEVA has participated in the 9th ENQA Members’ Forum held on 25-26 April 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia
DEVA-AAC has received the visit of the evaluation committee in the process of renewal of its membership to ENQA as a full member
The President of the Ibero-American Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (RIACES), Dr. Raúl Aguilera Méndez, visits DEVA
Reunión Técnica Internacional sobre Evaluación de la Calidad del Postgrado en Iberoamérica
AAC-DEVA self-evaluation procedure within ENQA external review process for renewal
DEVA-AAC participated in ENQA Seminar for Agencies preparing for an initial External Review, which took place on 27-28 September 2018 in Riga, Latvia
ENQA hosts its 2018 Members´ Forum in Zaragoza
8th ENQA General Assembly, 26-27 October 2017
IV International Congress on Learning, Innovation and Competitiveness-CINAIC 2017
Conference on "EUR-ACE label: Reflections and New Challenges"
DEVA visited by the Director of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating from Kazajistan (IAAR), Alina Zhumagulova
Representatives of 50 International Quality Assurance Agencies meet at Córdoba this week.
5th ENQA Forum
ENQA Work group for the study of the Impact of quality in higher education in Europe
ENQA Training for Evaluators
ENQA Members Forum