Modificaciones no SustancialesResolución de la Agencia para la Calidad Científica y Universitaria de Andalucía, por la que se acuerdan los plazos y lugar de presentación de la solicitud para la modificación no sustancial de titulaciones oficiales universitarias impartidas en centros universitarios no acreditados institucionalmente |
IMPLANTA ProgrammeResolution of the Directorate of the Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia, by which the deadline for submission of the application for the Renewal of the Certification of the Quality Assurance Systems Implanted in the Centres of Andalusian Universities is agreed.Extraordinary Call 2025 |
Good Teaching Performance IncentivesPublication of the Order of 10 September 2024, announcing the merit assessment procedure for teaching and research staff of the public universities of Andalusia, in order to obtain the progressive salary complements regulated in Decree 134/2024, of 30 July, which regulates the regional salary complements for teaching and research staff of the public universities of the Andalusian university system |
The Andalusian university quality assurance agency successfully passes its European auditThe Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia (ACCUA) complies with all international standards for the evaluation of academic programmes and university institutions |
ACCUA information on university degrees in the Verification process |
ACCUA adheres to the European Agreement for the Reform of Research Evaluation |
ENQA statement on solidarity with NAQA, Ukraine |
EQAR statement of support for Ukraine |